Congressional Education Awards

Floor Speech

Date: April 9, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BUCHANAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in recognition of outstanding public school employees in Florida's 16th Congressional District.

School employees work tirelessly because they understand that their efforts are not just about fulfilling a job description, but about shaping the future.

They deserve recognition because they are the architects of knowledge, the mentors of tommorrow's leaders, and the unsung heroes who work behind the scenes to ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive.

Ten years ago, I established the Congressional Teacher Awards program with the aim of providing special acknowledgment to educators within Florida's 16th Congressional District for their outstanding achievements. This year, we expanded the event's scope to encompass all school employees, recognizing their invaluable contribution in both teaching and inspiring students.

The following public school employees from Manatee and Hillsborough counties were nominated and selected to receive Florida's 16th District's 2024 Congressional Education Award for their accomplishments:

Manatee County: Michelle Ayling, State College of Florida Collegiate School; Jensina Barnes, Palm View K-8; Pauline Barnes, Manatee High School; W. Shane Baxley, Manatee Technical College; Amy Bradl, Willis Elementary School; Patrice Cairo, Gene Witt Elementary School; William Cirone, Manatee Technical College; Joadie Durfee, Harvey Elementary School; Rennie Finck, Lakewood Ranch High School; Katie Fradley, Willis Elementary School; Jennifer Harper, Williams Elementary School; Jen Johnson, Sea Breeze Elementary School; Kami Lake, various Manatee County schools; Debra McCarthy, Lakewood Ranch High School; Chelsea McCay, Daughtrey Elementary School; Stefanie Minihan, Braden River High School; Patricia Pearson, Braden River Middle School; Katherine Price, Willis Elementary School; Jodi Samson, McNeal Elementary School; Laura Schuyler, Braden River Middle School; Jessica Spence, McNeal Elementary School.

Hillsborough County: Kathy Dodd, Newsome High School; Donna Hart, Newsome High School; Melissa Hart, Winthrop Charter School; Aliya Norman, Reddick Elementary School; Kimberly Opperman, Reddick Elementary School.

On behalf of the people of Florida's 16th District, I congratulate each of these outstanding educators and offer my sincere appreciation for their service and dedication.

